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Vision and Mission

The UOF Library promotes intellectual growth and creativity, adopting innovative knowledge management by developing collections, facilitating easy access to electronic and other resources, teaching the effective use of information resources, and advancing learning, evaluation skills, innovation, and research, to serve the users, whether at the University of Fujairah or the Fujairah community
Use cutting-edge technology to provide quick access to high-quality, relevant information resources to support the learning, teaching, and research activities of the UOF and to advance the study and Community in the UAE
By the end of academic year 2022-2025, the UOF Library will advance in the following areas: -
- Through the collective efforts of faculty, staff, and students, the UOF library's collection will expand to 12,000 titles.
- UOF libraries will build a collection of current periodicals and multi-media materials to support the current and future curriculum.
UOF library will satisfy patron needs with print, online electronic and multi-media materials.
- UOF library will provide a supportive and comfortable atmosphere for library patrons to gain practical knowledge of current technologies and equipment (e.g., Wi-Fi zones, copier machines, PC, Laptop, Tablet).
- UOF library staff will continue to develop as a friendly and qualified staff to support the UOF in its mission, vision, and goals.